Kunal Mukhopadhyay

Archive for the ‘Travel destination’ Category

Destination India

In Blogging, India, IT, Travel destination, Travel log on February 6, 2007 at 12:56 pm

There was a time when one read and heard of stories of going to far away lands on dangerous missions. There are no more far away lands (although recently Mars has been promoted to the club) in today’s world. But missions and adventures continue to all sorts of places (once again, Mars inclulded) but with a difference.
Spoke recently with Terese who is studying to become a nurse, who is right now at the time of posting, en route to Loni in Maharashtra, India, on a 3 month program involving IT and medicine. Go figure – the land that typically evokes pictures of cows, camels, exotic destinations and half clad people and more; is now the one-stop destination for evolving technology, emerging trends and IT-nurses!
Good luck to Terese and Åsa….waiting to hear/read of their experiences.